5-Question Interview
Kayer Tiang
Q: What is your goal from five years from now?
5 years from now, I would like to proudly introduce myself as a “designer”. Communicating with people around the world without even stepping out of my home. Let them hear my voice through my designs.
Q: What makes you stand out as a fellow designer/ student?
I appreciate vintage and retro design as well as modern and minimal works too. I tend to have them balanced in my works. Creating modern yet timeless design is what I want to achieve. Simple, elegant and with a little touch of the latest trends.
Q: What is your best quality/characteristic as a person?
Overloaded empathy. I feel what people feel, pain, joy, grief etc. I would love to create designs to make people feel what I feel, to achieve emotional connections in between human through art.
Q: What is your......
I constantly remind myself that I am mediocre, that I am never good enough and I can always improve myself. Chinese proverb “一山还有一山高”, explains that there is always someone better out there. Being humble is my path to the greater success.
I am a procrastinator. I used to just waste all the time I had procrastinating. Throughout the years, I tried my best to make use of the time. While procrastinating, I get to have time to develop more ideas, filter them, make decision, refine it etc. It really helps when I get into the process of making.